A New Journey

A New Journey

One of the most fascinating things about humans is our ability to think. No other creature in the material universe can do that. Our ability to think means we can form unique opinions about our experience of the world. But too many people are scared to share their thoughts with the world, and rightly so, given our society's hostility toward openly opinionated people.

Opinions are a recurring cause of conflict throughout human history. Humans tend to respond violently to opposing opinions. So what can we do? Should we cease to have opinions for peace's sake? But what is peace in a society where we lose our unique identities by submitting to some ubiquitous ideology? Is that a society worth living in?

We need a better way of dealing with this. The problem is not with having opinions but rather dealing with conflicting ideas. One of the greatest human virtues is learning to disagree and still love each other. It is a hard and often confusing skill but one well worth having. And that is why I'm starting The Minority Opinion.

The Minority Opinion will be our little space on the internet where we can freely share our opinions. We will get to talk about all sorts of topics on this journey as we explore the wonders of our world. Sure, we will often disagree - I am very much counting on it - but we will also learn to love each other for our unique ideas.

As a Gen-Z, I was born into a largely conflict-avoidant generation. We would rather stay locked up in our little fantasy worlds where it's safe than stand up for what we believe. But as secure as that world is, the truth is, it's not real. Eventually, you have to come out and face the harsh realities of life, and if you refuse to say what you believe to be best for society, other people will make those choices for you, and you'd have to live with it even if you disagree.

I understand it's hard to share our opinions. But what better way is there to push for the better society we all dream of? Lots of people changed the course of history even though their ideas were considered anathema by their contemporaries. Galileo, for example, was warned by the Catholic Church on charges of heresy for holding ideas of a heliocentric solar system that we take for granted today. Socrates faced a death sentence for his views on society but is regarded today as one of the greatest philosophers in history. Even the Biblical Prophets of Ancient Israel were seen as crazy people by the larger population, yet they produced some of the most revered texts in human history.

So, let us follow in the footsteps of the people who inspire us. Let's talk about our world and how we can make it better. That is my goal for The Minority Opinion. I will share articles on Religion, History, Philosophy, Science, Relationships, Mental Health, Love, Sex, Money, Power, Technology, and many more topics. I will be looking forward to reading your ideas in the comments. You can also follow me on X(Twitter) @the_min_opinion to join the conversations there. Let's begin our journey of learning, thinking, and growing together. Welcome to THE MINORITY OPINION.